Relationship Woes of the Forgotten Times- “DATE NIGHTS”

By biswasankita
August 23, 2018

As a couple we have enjoyed plenty of date nights and they were so much fun.But, as we moved ahead in marriage and with the kids being around, we forgot to actually take those small date nights. In the entire rigmarole of life, the fleeting thoughts of love and holding hands just disappeared. Speaking about everything and anything under the sun or making an effort to get ready for a date, all disappeared… It feels almost surreal that something like that had actually happened to you years ago.The entire meaning of Date nights was created so that as a couple you could enjoy all those moments that you usually do not enjoy.

Now kids or not, every couple who is married needs to take these small date nights. It just keeps the fire and desire burning… You can probably do a role play while on a date or actually make an effort to get ready to enjoy your date. The guy can probably ask her out and pretend to come get her from the house. Book a table at your favorite restaurant and enjoy the evening, just as you would when you were dating… Going on dates takes your mind off of a lot of things , trust me.

Find a babysitter or someone who can take care of your baby like your in-laws, parents, neighbours, take a couple of hours off your mobile and take your partner out for a ride of her / his life. If it is important to have some ‘ME’ time, then it is equally important to have some ‘WE’ time….

It is important to go out on dates and make yourself feel equally important, as you do with everyone else around you. We deserve it, you deserve it and all of us deserve date nights to escape our hectic lives.

Kindle that spark that probably withered away years ago and get refreshed by enjoying these small moment forever. Enjoy your date nights at least once a month, minimum.

If you have any stories to share just let me know and we can probably make a big difference to a lot of lives…


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