I Am Dear!

By biswasankita
March 11, 2014

I hear you say
Oh I really do
I hear my name
What should I do

At a distance when I see you
My heart pounds like a drum
I know it is you
Oh I know it is you

You cannot know what I feel
You cannot know how I feel
You cannot know anything about me
‘Cause you don’t feel the way I feel

Don’t come any closer
From within my mind shouts
I shudder at your approach 
But I will not bend down

I gain my strength from within
I know I can fight you back
I am not gonna relent
I will not take this rap

Go away you hideous monster
Go away from all of us
Your soul is destroyed
You are nothing but a poor creature

Life’s lesson I have learnt
I may not always be right
But I know I am not wrong
I want to see the sun today, bright 
I yearn for a day without having to long!

So don’t be afraid tender souls 
Don’t live in fear
Come out, say it loud and clear
You were, you are and You will always be dear!

 (Dedicated to all my friends who have feared life, people and situations sometime along the way. Don’t let your fears or people take control of you. No one knows you better than you and no one can fight your battles for you)

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