A Web Of Emotions

By biswasankita
June 11, 2017

5325065-sad-girl-wallpapersI let my guard down, 
I let them all stand around
I put down my shield 
To give my tired body wings to breathe.

I try to break free
From the atrocities of this deft world 
It winds you up in its web of emotions
It brings you down with its clanging suctions.

There is so much I want to achieve
There is so much I would love to believe 
I want to break the barriers of this mundane world
I want to ring in my future with allure. 

Alas! I am caught in a vicious web of emotions
From which I fail to break free,
The endless journey has begun
To capture my thoughts and train them to be one! 

A web of unwanted emotions has captured me…. 

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