Date Nights – An important fact post – marriage

By biswasankita
February 21, 2014

Going on a date is probably the most beautiful thing a couple experiences in a relationship. The sweet nothings around you, the beauty of the world that encompasses you and the feeling of being with the one you love, makes you feel complete. Dating, at one point, was perceived to be a thing you did only before tying the knot. However, with changing times, the meaning of this term has also changed. Today, more married couples look forward to date nights to make one feel special and to bond with each other.

Dating is not impasse and brings a couple together post marriage too. We get so embroiled in our day to day lives that we forget the small things that once brought a smile on our face. The importance that we gave each other and the lamp that kept us burning through day and night while courting each other is also an important fact post marriage. We live only once and we are the ones that can make everyday special through special times that we spend with each other. Dating post marriage is not restricted to discussing only things about our everyday life, the nuances of our lives and how things were before marriage. Dating post-marriage is a chance to connect with your partner on a different level altogether. You can enjoy a movie night with a dinner to get away from the hullaballoo of a mundane day or you can enjoy a long drive with your partner talking about things that you cherish the most.

It is imperative now days for couples to realize the importance of a spouse and the effort that goes to keep that spark in a marriage alive. Escaping every now and then to spend a special time with your partner not only brings you closer but also helps you realise the small things that you were probably missing out on by thinking about it and not doing anything about it. Sometimes the addition of a child in the family takes away that precious your-time away as your energies are completely focused on paying attention to your child and their needs. However, it is important for the parents to realize that taking time out from your child just for yourself is not a bad thing at all! You can keep yourself energized and bring a different perspective to your marriage by indulging in a Date Night once in a while.

Dedicated to all the couples who may have forgotten themselves and their partners along the way of marriage and parenthood- Go out, let yourself lose and forget your woes by being there for each other too. Cherish every moment that you get now, as you will not have this time again in your life. Don’t bog yourself down by telling ‘we have a lifetime to do things we did not do now’; the fact is that you Do Not have a lifetime to do all the things you did not do now.

Women- make your guy feel special and give him a surprise!
Men- Make your woman feel that she is not left out of your life and that she is still an important part of you post marriage.

Don’t feel guilty to take time out, you need these special Date Nights to be with one another forever… These are the memories that will go a long way to make you smile and lift your spirits at the time when you need it the most

A time to be with one another
A time to cherish one another
Its a time to enjoy some special moments
Its a time to just stay together…

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